This Gallery has been Updated after 6 years!!

2 years ago • 08/23/2022

SO! We're back!

Wow, I mean...yeah. This site was practically abandoned since 2016! When I did my last update. Since then I was really busy with my Patreon work and also had my share of Hiatuses. And the wide world web as we know it is completely different since those good 'ol years.

But I digress, so... after 4 of more years without updat...

Find exclusive artwork on my Patreon page

Lobo Leo © 2001 - 2024

The reproduction of this work whole or in part by electonic media ( webpages) or otherwise ( print ) it's forbidden without the conscent of the autor. All Rights Reserved. Characters and concept © Leonardo Vidal aka Licantro/Lobo~LEO.